Цель занятия:
1) создать речевые ситуации, моделирующие реальные ситуации обсуждения охраны окружающей среды на международной конференции экологами, врачами, директорами крупных промышленных предприятий, мотивирующие использования иностранного языка в целях общения;
2) добиться реализации главной цели в процессе использования продуктивных упражнений:
а) сообщения и комментирования фактов
б) доказательство положений
в) описание явлений
г) аудирование
1) подчеркнуть необходимость защиты окружающей среды;
2) повышать сознание учащихся, понимание ими ценности окружающей среды;
3) углублять осведомленность учащихся с проблемами промышленного загрязнения;
4) представлять положительные примеры здорового экологически взвешенного образа жизни. Развивающая:
1) развивать навыки устной речи и аудирования;
2) развивать умение представить себя, раскрыться как личность, как человек, которого интересует широкий круг проблем;
3) развивать чувство личной ответственности;
4) предоставлять учащимся возможность вносить в свою жизнь положительные изменения.
1) Слайды с фотографиями животных
2) Фонограмма песни "Цветок весна"
3) Видеофильм об аварии на Чернобыльской атомной станции.
4) Видео-клип песни украинской певицы Алеши "Sweet people".
5) аудиозапись звуков океанского прибоя, крик чаек.
6) Слайды с фотографиями морских пейзажей.
7) Видеофильм «Осторожно Еда».
8) Видео-клип песни в исполнении М. Джексона "The Earth 'song".
9) Мультимедийные средства.
Ход занятия
1. Вступительное слово преподавателя
T. Today we invite you to our conference. It will be devoted to problems of environmental protection. We all know that our planet is in danger. And the first task of modern people is to save the planet from pollution, contamination and destruction. At the conference our students won't be just students, but ecologists, doctors, managers of big enterprises. They will discuss such burning problems as air and water pollution, consequences of the accident in Chernobyl, health problems and others. So, ladies and gentleman! Welcome to our conference!
Сегодня мы приветствуем вас на конференции, посвященной проблемам защиты окружающей среды. Мы все понимаем, что наша планета в опасности, поэтому первая задача современного человека - защитить ее от загрязнения различных видов и разрушения. Мы долго готовили к конференции: разослали приглашения иностранным гостям, была осуществлена аренда оборудования для синхронного перевода речи, подготовлена информация по теме конференции и подобраны необходимые аудио- и видеоматериалы. На конференции наши студенты будут не просто студентами, но и предстанут в роли экологов, докторов, менеджеров крупных предприятий. Они обсудят такие важные вопросы как загрязнение воздуха и воды, последствия аварии на ЧАЭС, проблемы здоровья и прочее.
Итак, дамы и господа! Приветствуем вас на нашей конференции!
2. Декламирование стихотворения.
What is this life, if full of care
We've no time to stand and state,
No time to see when woods we pass
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see in broad daylight.
Streams full of stars like skies at night.
A poor life this is, full of care,
We've no time to stand and stare.
3. Слово ведущих.
Girl: Really, a poor life this is if we live outside of natural world.
Действительно, бедная, скудная жизнь, если мы живем в стороне от природы. Кроме того, мы постоянно разрушаем ее. Говоря о наших братьях меньших, такие слова как оскорбление и разрушение не должны использоваться.
4. Диалог «В мире животных»
In the world of animals.
Sara: - Mum, you work at the zoo. You must know everything about animals. Do any animals have personal 'bodyguards'?
Mother: - Yes. For example, the caterpillar of some butterflies carries deadly weaver ants around to protect it from predators.
S:-Well, how many teeth has a shark got?
M: - The largest shark in the world, a whale shark, has 300 rows of teeth.
S:-What is the biggest meal that a python snake can eat?
M: - A python can eat a small deer, but this would take one year to digest and then use the nutrients its meal.
S:-And why are flamingo birds pink?
M: - As I know, Sara, the colour of flamingos comes from eating shrimp.
S:-What animal has the weirdest camouflage?
M: - There is a Brazilian beetle which rolls ver to hide from predators, so the birds don't eat it.
S: - What does it mean when an animal 'plays dead' to avoid predators?
M: - Animals pretend to be dead to prevent attacks by predators. For example, an American opossum first hisses if this doesn't work, it falls over, lets it tongue hang out, stiffens its limbs and breathes so slowly as to appear dead.
S: - Why doesn't a spider get caught in its own web?
M: - Part of the web is structural and non-sticky, and part is sticky to catch the prey.
S: - Mum, how long is the longest tongue of an animal?
M: - You see, Sara, the tongue of an anteater is about long.
S: - How wide can snakes open their mouths?
M: - Humans can open their jaws at an angle of 30 degrees.
S: Thank you, mother, the world of animals is so amazing. I think we must protect it.
Сара: Мама, ты работаешь в зоопарке. Ты должна знать все о животных.
Мама: Конечно, например, гусеница некоторых стрекоз держит у себя смертельных муравьев-ткачей, чтобы защититься от хищников.
С.: Хорошо, а сколько зубов у акулы?
М.: Самая большая акула, китовая акула, имеет 300 рядов зубов.
С.: А что самое больше может съесть питон?
М.: Питон может съесть маленького оленя, но целый год он будет переваривать его, а затем использовать эти питательные вещества.
С.: А почему фламинго розовые?
М.: Насколько я знаю, Сара, это потому что они едят креветок.
С.: Какое животное имеет самую удивительную маскировку?
М.: Это бразильский жук, он обращается в круг, чтобы спрятаться, так что птицы его не могут съесть.
С.: Что означает, когда животное притворяется мертвым, чтобы избежать хищников?
М.: Иногда животные притворяются мертвыми, чтобы избежать нападения врагов. Например, американский опоссум сначала шипит на врага, если это не срабатывает, он падает, язык его свисает, конечности застывают, дыхание приостанавливается, кажется, что он мертв.
С.: А почему паук сам не попадает в свою паутину?
М.: Часть паутины не липкая, а часть ее клейкая, чтобы ловить добычу.
С.: Мама, а кто самый длинный язык?
М.: Понимаешь, Сара, муравьед имеет язык длиной около 60см.
С.: Как широко умеет змея открывать рот?
М.: Человек открывает рот под углом 30 градусов, питон чтобы заглотить добычу открывает свою пасть под углом 130 градусов.
С.: Спасибо, мама. Мир животных такой захватывающий. Я думаю, что мы должны защищать его.
5. Исполнение песни «Цветок весна».
6. Слово ведущих.
Boy: Well, ladies and gentlemen! I think it's high time to invite an ecologist here.
Леди и джентльмены! Время встретиться с экологом.
7. Сообщение фактов экологом.
И am John Brown. I am an ecologist. I have been working in this sphere for 10 years already and I know all its burning problems. Now, I'll give you some interesting facts: By the year 2030 25% of all animals, birds, fish and insects may be extinct. A horrible fact, isn't it? What are the main reasons for it?
Добрый день, меня зовут Джон Браун. Я-эколог. Я работаю в этой сфере уже 10 лет и я знаю все «горячие» проблемы. Сейчас я расскажу некоторые интересные факты. 25% всех животных, птиц, рыб и насекомых могут исчезнуть к 2030 году.
Ужасный факт? Каковы главные причины этого?
8. Доклад об экологическом состоянии планеты.
Because of modern life styles the problem of environmental protection is very crucial. Man has polluted and destroyed nature so much that now, at the beginning of the 21st сentury, we need to change our attitude to the planet.
Scientific and technological progress, industrial development and activities in outer space have caused a negative effect on the environment. Air, water, soil, fauna and flora, that are vital sources of life, have been polluted. The nature now is not able to clean itself from wastes of industries and have become exhausted. Here are only some of the problems:
the ozone layer: a layer of gases which stop harmful radiation from the sun reaching the earth; now it contains holes;
global warming: an increase in the world temperature caused by an increase in carbon dioxide; acid rain: rain that contains dangerous chemicals: this is caused by smoke from factories.
It is often said that we live in a consumer society. We consider it important to buy products and services. Companies, just as we, the consumers, need to be aware of the impact of this on the environment. Business owners and managers today must do more than just provide a worthwhile product or service at a reasonable price in order to make profit and stay in business. They must accept some social responsibilities, among which is the environmental protection. Now many firms make efforts to avoid polluting the air, the water, or the natural beauty of the countryside. Many companies use packaging (boxes, bottles, etc.) Which has been recycled (made from used old materials). Some use trains instead of road transport to reduce the air pollution. Helping to keep a clean environment is an important part of business planning today. Before they allow a new business to locate in their area, many environmentally aware communities require the firm to show that its operation will not cause pollution.
9. Слово ведущих.
Well, the word "pollution" has just been mentioned. And what is pollution?
10. Диалог-расспрос «Как остановить загрязнение окружающей среды».
How to stop environmental pollution?
Ben: - Hi, Dick. What are you doing?
Dick: - Hi, Ben. I'm preparing my exam on ecology.
B:-Are you ready? Well, if you want I ask you some questions.
D: - Yes, surely. It will be great. You would help me in such a way.
B:-OK. Let's start. What is pollution?
D:-There are many types of pollution happening today. For example, pollution from sewage and drainage into rivers and oceans, oil and air pollution. Finally, deforestation and industry development.
B:-Good, could you explain to me what is air pollution in detail? –
D:-When you go to big cities you can see the layer of brown clouds. Air pollution has very negative effects on our atmosphere. There is a hole in our ozone due to pollution in the air. If this hole gets bigger we won't be as protected from the sunlight and its heat.
B: - Cool! And how does pollution affect rivers, oceans and our ecosystem?
D: - Well, our rivers, lakes and oceans are affected by pollution in many ways. The organisms that live in these places are often harmed by pollution.
B: - Tell me, please, how water can be polluted?
D: - The water can be polluted by chemical and product leaks, which may cause the animals that live in the water to get ill.
B:-What are people doing to stop or control pollution?
D: - The government has passed a couple of pollution prevention acts. Basically, these acts say pollution should be prevented.
B: - And whenever pollution can't be prevented, what should we do?
D: - In this case things should be recycled in a safe manner. Many people study the effects of pollution to reduce environmental pollution. There is continued need for people to work on controlling pollution.
B: - Thanks, Dick. I think you are ready to pass your exam.
11. Слово ведущих.
Speaking about the air we breathe, we also need a specialist, and I want to invite here the manager of a big industrial enterprise. Іt 's a big chemical plant. Well, we have got an idea of how acid rains form. Lеt's once more enumerate the steps of the formation of acid rains.
12. Монолог-описание явления образования кислотных дождей.
Acid Rain
Up in the sky. When we look up, we see clouds and the blue sky. But there are other things in the sky that we don't see. Some of these are harmful to the Earth.
What happens. When power plants burn coal to make electricity, and when cars burn gasoline, invisible gases are released into the air. Some of these gases can mix rain or snow and make it acidic, like lemon juice or vinegar. This is called acid rain.
Bad news. Acid rain is extremely harmful to plants, rivers and lakes, and the creatures that live in them. In some places it is killing forests. And it pollutes the water that animals and people need to drink.
Our mission. It is very important for us to stop making acid rain. One good way is to drive our cars less. Another good way is to save energy. The less energy we use, the less fuel these power plants have to burn. Industrial countries should control their level of pollution. This is already happening in some parts of Europe. There are several countries ('The 30% Club') which have cut their acid rain pollution by 30%.
13. Сообщение фактов об аварии на ЧАЭС.
Text 1. Chernobyl
Town in northern Ukraine; site of a nuclear power station. In April 1986 two huge explosions destroyed a central reactor, breaching the 1000-tonne roof. In the immediate vicinity of Chernobyl, 31 people died (all firemen or workers at the plant) and 135000 were permanently evacuated. It has been estimated that there will be an additional 20-40 000 deaths from cancer in the following 60 years 600000 are officially classified as at risk.
According to WHO figures of 1995, the incidence of thyroid cancer in children has increased 200-fold in Belarus as a result of fallout from the disaster. The resulting clouds of radioactive isotopes were traced all over Europe, from Ireland to Greece. Together with the fallout from nuclear weapons testing conducted in the past, the Chernobyl explosion currently contributes 0.4% to the annual average radiation dose in the UK, with the greatest effects on average concentration occurring in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Another Chernobyl reactor was closed in 1991 after a fire. The International Atomic Agency inspected the Chernobyl plant in March 1994 and found numerous safety deficiencies in the two reactors still operating. The sarcophagus that seals the remains of the exploded reactor is crumbling. Although negotiations began in 1995 to close the Chernobyl plant and build a gas-fired power station with the aid of the European Union and the Group of Seven (G7), in 1996 the plant was still open, and another 14 Chernobyl-style reactors continued to operate in the former Soviet Union - ten in Russia, one in Ukraine, and two in Lithuania. Despite safety improvements 1986-1996, western experts still maintained that all of these reactors represented a much greater safety risk than other types of reactor. In April 1996, G7 offered Ukraine $ 3.1 billion in exchange for closing down the plant.
Text 2. Chernobyl accident, its consequences and lessons
The 26th of April is a special day for the people living in Ukraine and regions situated far from it. On that day in 1986 a horrible accident occured at the Chernobyl nuclear power station. There was a nuclear reactor explosion which had far reaching consequences. This explosion resulted in hazardous nuclear contamination of air, soil, water.
Thanks to urgent and brave actions of firemen, guided by captain Telyatnikov, the fire was stopped.
The population of fallout regions, namely, Chernobyl itself, the Pripyat region was evacuated. Many foreign scientists, especially professor Geil from the USA, informed the former USSR government about their readiness to help the people whose health was severely damaged.
A number of foreign countries offered specialized medical equipment and drugs for biological elimination of isotopes of different chemical elements from human body. Later on thousands of children were taken abroad for corresponding medical
Such accidents like that in Chernobyl, must never be repeated again, because the very existence of millions of people may be under a threat. The safe maintenance of nuclear power stations depends on proper work and sufficient technical knowledge of every worker and engineer.
The Ukrainian people are very grateful to all those who helped and continue to help them. This accident will never be forgotten.
14. Демонстрация фильма об аварии на Чернобыльской атомной станции.
15. О последствиях аварии в Чернобыле.
Continuing Effects of the Disaster
According to Ukrainian health ministry officials, 125000 people have died as a result of the accident and as many more are set to follow. Tens of thousands are said to be suffering from crippling radiation-induced diseases, although western scientists have disputed these figures, claiming that fewer than 100 deaths could be directly attributed to the disaster. In all, 5 million people are believed to have been exposed to radioactivity following the blast.
In Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia more than 500000 people were displaced from affected towns and villages and thousands of square miles of land were contaminated. The children of parents exposed to the radioactive fallout in Belarus were found in 1996 to have double the number of DNA mutations of comparable British children.
16. Видео-клип песни украинской певицы Алеши "Sweet people".
17. Слово ведущих.
Boy: I want you to relax for some minutes. Listen to these sounds.
18. Запись звуков океанского прибоя, крик чаек. Слайд-шоу морских пейзажей.
Girl: Are these sounds familiar to you? Of course, these are the sounds of the ocean, the great, significant ocean!
Boy: Some specialists on the problems of the ocean are present at our conference. Let's invite one of them with a report.
19. Монолог-сообщение фактов о загрязнении мирового океана.
Water pollution
The planet Earth is mostly water. Oceans cover the biggest part of it - there are lakes, rivers, streams and even underground water. All forms of life on the Earth cannot exist without water. It is precious. Are we doing a good job on keeping it clean? In many places water has become polluted. Rivers and lakes become polluted by garbage or bumped poisonous chemicals. Underground water can be polluted by gasoline, harmful liquids, some fertilizers and pesticides. These leak down through the ground.
Seas and oceans have become a dumping place for garbage and poisonous chemicals. They have become so polluted from oil spills and factory wastes that the fish are dying and other living resources of the sea are coming to an end. This subsequently affects people who depend on sea food. Nature reserves of pure water are decreasing. We must save our water, keep it clean so that people, plants, animals and fish will always have a life source.
We must do our best to protect seas, rivers and lakes from further pollution.
20. Слово ведущих.
Girl: Ladies and gentlemen! As you know, human beings have two environments. One is the outside world. And the other is their own bodies we have already spoken about and the in fluence of the outside world on us. And what else can make us seriously ill? We need a doctor here to speak about health problems.
21. Рассказ доктора о здоровой пище (во время показа фильма «Осторожно Еда».
Good nutrition is important for good health. You need to eat the right foods to help prevent diseases and control your weight. To eat the right foods is especially vital for children because they grow.
There are six basic food groups;
1) breads, cereals, rice, and pasta;
2) vegetables;
3) fruits;
4) milk, yogurt, and cheese;
5) meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts;
6) fats, oils, and sweets.
Some foods with good nutrition such as ice-cream, are also high in fat or added sugar. So it's better to choose reduced fat ice-cream.
It is natural that you may prefer some foods and hate others. However, for you to be healthy, all six groups are important.
Do you know that fast food is usually not healthy food? It is often high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar. And it is usually low in vitamins and minerals. For example, a hamburger and French fries are high in fat and cholesterol, which are the leading causes of heart disease. Cola is all sugar, and no nutrition. The only good news is that it's fast.
Another bad thing is that you often eat in a hurry. You eat more when you are in a hurry, too. You eat without thinking about how much or how often you eat. You can be overweight, which is bad for your health.
22. Монолог-описание вредных добавок, используемых в еде.
We all know that a varied diet with the right combination of protein, carbohydrates and fresh fruit and vegetables is necessary for good health.
However, modern living and a busy lifestyle often mean that many of us don't have time to eat proper well-balanced meals. We seem to be relying too much on 'fast foods' to match our fast lives. The problem with these foods though is that they are high in bad things like fat and calories, but low in the good things like vitamins and minerals. If you are only eating this sort of 'junk' food, then you've got a poor diet.
A poor diet can lead to lots of health problems. These include allergies and tiredness or much more serious illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. The additives which are put in processed foods can also cause illness. Additives are used to add colour, flavour and long life to foods, but they can be quite harmful if you eat too many of them.
If you eat raw and organic foods, you will be much healthier. Therefore, it makes sense to eat organically grown fruit and vegetables whenever you can. Try to stop drinking coffee and stop using sugar, too. Also, it is good idea to take vitamin and mineral tablets if you know your diet is not as healthy as it should be.
A good time to think about healthy eating is when you are shopping, read the list of ingredients on food packets to find out if there are a lot of additives so you can avoid them. Foods that contain a lot of additives include: processed meats, soft drinks, tinned fruit, margarine and biscuits.
All in all, a few simple changes to your diet can make a big difference to your health Eat the right things and you can eat your way to good health.
23. Обработка документа конференции: «Декларация взаимозависимости человека и природы»
Girl: Every conference usually ends with a document. We've worked out a document of our conference. Іt is "A Declaration of Interdependence".
The Declaration of Interdependence
1) Factory owners and businessmen managing enterprises harmful for environment first of all must provide powerful filters to reduce smoke, dust and dangerous gases to make air cleaner.
2) Special kinds of fuel for cars and more efficient engines can help to decrease air pollution.
3) We must do our best to protect seas, rivers and lakes from further pollution.
4) Our factories and plants have to stop throwing wastes of their processes into the water.
5) Waste-free technologies must be developed and used in the production process.
6) Stop making acid rain.
7) Drive cars less, walk instead of driving.
24. Видеоклип песни Майкла Джексона "The Earth 'song".
25. Подведение итогов
The earth is our home
Today the contradictions between man and nature are acquiring a dramatic character. Every year world industry polutes the atmosphere with about 1.000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. People of many cities suffer from smog. Forests are disappearing and this upsets the oxygen balance. The pollution of the air, of the world's oceans, seas, rivers and lakes, and the destruction of the ozone layer could lead our planet to a global catastrophe. That is why serious measures to protect the environment should be undertaken.
As many as 159 countries - members of the United Nations Organization - have set up environmental protection agencies. They have worked out hundreds of projects to protect nature.
A global strategy of nature protection has been worked out by a number of international organizations. One of its fundamental provisions is the transfer of industry to low-and non-waste technologies. In our country more attention has been given to the problems of ecology. The State Committee for Environmental Control has been established. The role of Ukraine in the solution of ecological problems has greatly increased.
Использованная литература:
1. Business English Essentials. / Часть 2: Пособие по английскому языку для обучения делового общения в старших классах школ, гимназий, лицеев экономического профиля. / Сост. О.Биленька, А.Павлюк, О.Чепурна - М.: Издательство Карпюка, 2003.
2. Журнал English - Это просто. № 60
3. English Topics: Лучшие из 1000 устных тем с параллельным переводом для учащихся 5-11 классов и абитуриентов / Сост. Е.П.Фищенко, Г.В.Ярцева и др. - Харьков, 2005.